Dachshund Training

Why Are Dachshunds So Jealous of Other Dogs

Dachshunds Jealous

While some Dachshunds may exhibit jealous behavior towards other dogs, it’s important to note that not all Dachshunds behave this way, and jealousy is not necessarily a breed-specific trait.

Like any other dog, Dachshunds can show possessive behavior towards their owners or their territory. That being said, there are a few possible reasons why some Dachshunds may show jealousy toward other dogs.


Dachshunds are small dogs, and they may feel intimidated by larger dogs or dogs with more confident personalities.

This can lead to feelings of insecurity and a desire to protect their owners or their territory from perceived threats.

Lack of socialization

If a Dachshund has not been properly socialized with other dogs, it may not know how to interact with them in a calm and relaxed manner. This can lead to defensive or aggressive behavior when encountering other dogs.


Dachshunds are known for their strong bond with their owners, and they may become jealous if they feel like they are not getting enough attention or affection.

This can lead to possessive behavior towards their owners, which may extend to other dogs that they perceive as competition for attention.

It’s important to address any possessive or jealous behavior in dogs through proper training and socialization.

If your Dachshund is exhibiting jealousy towards other dogs, it may be helpful to work with a professional dog trainer to address the issue and teach your dog appropriate behavior around other dogs

How do you know if your Dachshund is jealous of other dogs?

Like humans, dogs can also experience jealousy. Signs of jealousy in a Dachshund could include:

Attention-seeking behavior

Your Dachshund may try to get your attention by nuzzling you or trying to climb into your lap when you give attention to another dog.

Aggressive behavior

Your Dachshund may growl, snap, or even bite the other dog if it perceives the other dog as a threat to its relationship with you.


Your Dachshund may guard its toys, bed, or food bowl more aggressively than usual when other dogs are around.

Dachshunds Jealous of Other Dogs

Excessive Barking

Your Dachshund may bark more than usual when other dogs are around, especially if they are getting attention from you.


Your Dachshund may withdraw from you and become quiet if it perceives that another dog is getting more attention from you than it is.

It’s important to address jealousy in Dachshunds as soon as possible in order to prevent any negative or dangerous behaviors.

Providing plenty of love and attention to your Dachshund, as well as socializing them with other people and animals, can help to prevent jealousy from developing in the first place.

Additionally, positive reinforcement training can help to encourage good behavior and discourage negative behaviors

It’s important to note that some of these behaviors could also be signs of other issues, such as fear or anxiety.

If you are unsure if your Dachshund is displaying jealous behavior, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian or a certified dog behaviorist to help you assess the situation

How can a dachshund be socialized?

Socializing a dachshund is important to ensure that they are comfortable around other dogs and people. Here are some tips to help you socialize with your dachshund:

  • Start early: It is important to start socializing your dachshund at an early age, ideally between 3 to 12 weeks. This is when puppies are most receptive to new experiences.
  • Expose them to different environments: Take your dachshund to different places such as the park, the beach, or a pet store. This will help them get used to different smells, sounds, and sights.
  • Introduce them to other dogs: Socializing your dachshund with other dogs is important to teach them how to interact with other dogs. Start with friendly dogs that are known to be good with other dogs.
  • Reward good behavior: When your dachshund interacts well with other dogs or people, reward them with treats or praise. This will reinforce positive behavior.
  • Be patient: Socializing a dachshund takes time and patience. Don’t force them into situations that make them uncomfortable. Gradually introduce them to new experiences and give them time to adjust.
  • Consider professional help: If your dachshund is struggling with socialization, consider seeking the help of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They can help you develop a plan to help your dachshund become more comfortable around other dogs and people.

Remember, socialization is an ongoing process, so continue to expose your dachshund to new experiences throughout their life to ensure they remain comfortable and well-adjusted


Dachshunds can be jealous of other dogs for a variety of reasons, but it’s important to remember that not all Dachshunds exhibit this behavior.

While jealousy may not be a breed-specific trait, it is an understandable reaction in some cases. If you are experiencing jealousy with your dog, read this article.

And find a solution to your problem. If and still don’t understand. then talk to your veterinarian to see if there is anything they can do to alleviate the situation.

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