Mixed Breed

Aussie Doxie

The Aussie Dachshund Mix, also known as the Aussie Doxie or the Dachshund Australian Shepherd mix, is a captivating crossbreed that combines the spirited nature of the Australian Shepherd with the adorable appeal of the Dachshund.

This hybrid dog breed has gained popularity among dog enthusiasts for its distinctive traits and charming personality.

With its lineage originating from two beloved breeds, the Aussie Dachshund Mix inherits a blend of characteristics that make it a fascinating companion.

The Australian Shepherd, known for its intelligence, agility, and loyalty, is a herding dog with a strong work ethic and a keen sense of duty.

On the other hand, the Dachshund, with its long body, short legs, and expressive eyes, brings in a delightful playfulness and an endearing nature.

One of the most striking features of the Aussie Dachshund Mix is its appearance. This hybrid often displays a mix of physical attributes from both parent breeds.

While it typically inherits the long body and short legs of the Dachshund, it may vary in size and build, depending on the individual dog’s genetic makeup.

The coat can be short or medium in length, and its coloration may range from solid shades to various patterns, including merle, dapple, or tricolor combinations.

Beyond its appealing looks, the Aussie Dachshund Mix possesses a spirited and affectionate personality that endears it to owners and admirers alike.

This crossbreed is known for being an intelligent and trainable companion, often showcasing a strong desire to please its human family members. With proper socialization and training, they can excel in various activities, such as obedience, agility, and even herding.

In addition to their intelligence and trainability, Aussie Dachshund Mixes are often praised for their playful and energetic nature. They have a zest for life and enjoy engaging in physical activities and interactive playtime.

Regular exercise and mental stimulation are crucial for this breed to keep them happy, healthy, and mentally sharp.

Furthermore, the Aussie Dachshund Mix tends to be a loyal and devoted family pet, forming strong bonds with its human companions.

They are known for their friendly and sociable disposition, getting along well with children, other pets, and even strangers.

While they may exhibit some protective instincts from their Australian Shepherd lineage, they generally have a gentle and amiable temperament.

Aussie Doxie Characteristics


Attribute Information
Size Small to medium-sized
Weight Varies, typically between 10-30 pounds (4.5-13.6 kg)
Height Varies, typically between 10-15 inches (25-38 cm)
Group Not recognized by major kennel clubs as a specific group
Popularity Rank Not officially ranked
Reviews Varies based on individual experiences and opinions
User Ratings Varies based on individual experiences and opinions
Breed Type Crossbreed (Australian Shepherd and Dachshund)
Price Can range from $500 to $1500 or more, depending on factors such as lineage and breeder
Availability May be available from reputable breeders, shelters, or rescue organizations
Coat / Hair Types Can have a short or medium-length coat
Color Various colors and patterns, including merle, dapple, and tricolor combinations
Grooming Regular brushing to maintain coat health and occasional bathing as needed
Shedding Level Moderate shedding
Bath Time / Bathing Frequency As needed or every 2-3 months, depending on the dog’s activity level and coat condition
Intelligent Rank Can vary among individuals
Trainability Generally intelligent and trainable, responds well to positive reinforcement training
Sensitivity Level Can be moderately sensitive to harsh training methods or loud noises
Affection Level Affectionate and forms strong bonds with its human family
Social Needs Enjoys human companionship and generally gets along well with children and other pets
Barking A moderate tendency to bark may require training to manage excessive barking
Watchdog Ability Moderate to good, may alert to strangers or unusual activities
Guarding Behavior / Territorial Can exhibit some protective instincts from their Australian Shepherd lineage
Biting Potential Low to moderate, early socialization and training are essential to discourage any biting
Mouthiness Moderate tendency to chew or nip
The impulse to Wander or Roam Moderate, supervision and secure fencing are recommended to prevent wandering
Apartment Friendly Can adapt to apartment living with regular exercise and mental stimulation
Adaptability Can adapt to different living environments, but needs mental and physical stimulation


Please note that some attributes may vary among individual dogs, and it’s important to consider the specific traits of each dog when evaluating their suitability for your lifestyle and preferences

Aussie Doxie Appearance

The appearance of the Aussie Doxie can vary depending on the individual dog and the genetic influence of its Australian Shepherd and Dachshund parents.

Here are some general characteristics of the Aussie Doxie’s appearance:

  • Size: The Aussie Doxie is a small to medium-sized dog. The size can vary, but they typically stand between 10-15 inches (25-38 cm) at the shoulder.
  • Body: They often have a long body like the Dachshund, coupled with a sturdy frame inherited from the Australian Shepherd. Their body shape is typically elongated, with a deep chest and a well-muscled build.
  • Legs: The Aussie Doxie usually inherits the short legs of the Dachshund, which gives them a low-to-the-ground appearance.
  • Head: The head of an Aussie Doxie may resemble that of a Dachshund, with a slightly rounded skull, expressive eyes, and floppy ears. However, it can also exhibit traits of the Australian Shepherd, such as a more refined and angular head shape.
  • Coat: The coat of the Aussie Doxie can vary, depending on the genetic influence of its parents. It can be short or medium in length and may have a straight or slightly wavy texture. The coat is often weather-resistant, providing protection in various climates.
  • Color and Patterns: Aussie Doxies come in a wide range of colors and patterns. They can display solid colors, such as black, brown, cream, or gray, as well as various patterns, including merle, dapple, and tricolor combinations. The coat color and patterns can be inherited from either or both parent breeds.
  • Tail: The tail of an Aussie Doxie is usually of moderate length and may be straight or slightly curved. It can be carried at a natural level or may have a slight upward curve.

Overall, the Aussie Doxie is an attractive and distinctive dog breed, blending the charming features of the Dachshund and the Australian Shepherd. Its unique combination of body shape, coat variation, and eye-catching colors makes it an eye-catching companion.

Aussie Doxie Temperament and Personality

Aussie Doxie is known for their lively and affectionate nature. They are often friendly, and social, and make excellent family pets.

Their intelligence, inherited from both parent breeds, makes them quick learners and eager to please. However, they can also be stubborn at times, so consistent training and positive reinforcement are essential.

They thrive in households that can provide them with plenty of mental and physical stimulation to keep them entertained and prevent boredom.

Training and Exercise Aussie Doxie

Training and exercise are crucial aspects of owning an Aussie Doxie. This intelligent and energetic breed requires mental and physical stimulation to thrive. Here are some guidelines for training and exercise for an Aussie Doxie:


  • Positive Reinforcement: Aussie Doxies respond best to positive reinforcement training methods. Use rewards such as treats, praise, and playtime to motivate and reinforce desired behaviors. Avoid harsh or punitive training techniques, as they can be counterproductive and may damage the bond between you and your dog.
  • Start Early: Begin training your Aussie Doxie as early as possible. Puppyhood is a critical period for socialization and learning basic commands. Establish a consistent routine and focus on essential commands like sit, stay, come, and leash walking. Training sessions should be short, frequent, and fun to keep their attention and motivation high.
  • Obedience Training: Aussie Doxies have the desire to please their owners, making them generally receptive to obedience training. Enroll them in puppy kindergarten or basic obedience classes to provide structured training and socialization opportunities. It helps build their confidence and establishes a strong foundation for more advanced training later on.
  • Mental Stimulation: In addition to obedience training, engage your Aussie Doxie in mental stimulation activities. Puzzle toys, interactive games, and obedience challenges keep their minds sharp and prevent boredom.
  • Socialization: Socialization is vital for Aussie Doxies to develop appropriate behavior and confidence around other people, animals, and different environments. Expose them to a variety of situations, sounds, and experiences from a young age to help them become well-adjusted and friendly adults.


  • Daily Exercise: Aussie Doxies have a moderate to high energy level and require daily exercise to fulfill their physical needs. Aim for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour of exercise per day, which can be divided into multiple sessions. Activities such as brisk walks, jogs, playtime in a securely fenced yard, or interactive games like fetch or agility exercises are excellent choices.
  • Mental Stimulation through Exercise: Combine physical exercise with mental stimulation to keep your Aussie Doxie engaged and prevent boredom. Incorporate training exercises, interactive toys, and scent games during walks or play sessions to challenge their minds while exercising their bodies.
  • Leash Training: Due to their hunting instincts, it’s essential to leash train your Aussie Doxie from an early age. This helps them walk calmly on a leash and prevents them from chasing after small animals or getting into potentially dangerous situations.
  • Interactive Play: Engage in interactive play sessions with your Aussie Doxie to provide both physical exercise and mental stimulation. Use toys like balls, tug ropes, or interactive treat-dispensing toys to keep them entertained and active.
  • Supervised Off-Leash Activities: If you have access to a securely fenced area, off-leash activities like playing fetch or allowing them to run and explore can be beneficial for their physical and mental well-being. Always supervise off-leash activities to ensure their safety.

Remember that individual exercise needs may vary based on factors such as age, health, and overall energy levels.

Observe your Aussie Doxie’s behavior to gauge whether they’re receiving enough exercise. A well-exercised and mentally stimulated Aussie Doxie is more likely to be content, well-behaved, and a joy to have as a companion.

Care and Grooming Aussie Doxie

Caring for and grooming an Aussie Doxie involves several aspects, including coat care, dental hygiene, nail trimming, and overall health maintenance. Here are some guidelines to help you properly care for and groom your Aussie Doxie:

Coat Care

    • Brushing: Regular brushing helps maintain the coat’s cleanliness and prevents matting. The frequency of brushing depends on the length and texture of your Aussie Doxie coat. For short-haired Aussie Doxies, weekly brushing is usually sufficient. If your dog has a longer coat, daily or every other day brushing may be needed.
    • Bathing: Bathe your Aussie Doxie as needed, typically every 2-3 months or when they become dirty or develop a strong odor. Use a mild dog shampoo and thoroughly rinse out the coat to avoid residue. Be cautious not to over-bathe, as excessive bathing can strip natural oils from their skin and coat.
    • Ear Cleaning: Regularly check and clean your dog’s ears to prevent the buildup of dirt, wax, or moisture. Use a gentle, veterinarian-approved ear-cleaning solution and a cotton ball to carefully clean the outer ear. Avoid inserting anything into the ear canal.
    • Dental Care: Dental hygiene is essential for your dog’s overall health. Brush your Aussie Doxie’s teeth regularly using a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste. Additionally, provide dental chews or toys to help promote healthy teeth and gums.
    • Nail Trimming: Trim your dog’s nails regularly, usually once every 2-3 weeks. Use dog nail clippers or a grinder designed for dogs, and be cautious not to cut into the quick (the sensitive part of the nail). If you’re unsure, consult a veterinarian or professional groomer for guidance.

Health Maintenance

    • Veterinary Care: Schedule regular check-ups with a veterinarian to ensure your Aussie Doxie’s overall health and well-being. Keep vaccinations up to date and discuss preventive measures for common health issues.
    • Nutrition: Feed your Aussie Doxie a balanced and high-quality diet that meets their nutritional needs. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate portion sizes and feeding schedule based on their age, size, and activity level.
    • Exercise and Mental Stimulation: As mentioned earlier, regular exercise and mental stimulation are vital for the physical and mental well-being of your Aussie Doxie. Engage them in daily activities, such as walks, play sessions, and interactive games to keep them active and stimulated.
    • Hydration: Provide access to fresh, clean water at all times to keep your Aussie Doxie properly hydrated.

Other Care Considerations

    • Temperature Sensitivity: Due to their Dachshund heritage, Aussie Doxies may be sensitive to extreme temperatures. Protect them from excessive heat or cold and provide them with appropriate shelter and comfort.
    • Parasite Prevention: Use preventive measures to protect your Aussie Doxie from fleas, ticks, and other parasites. Consult your veterinarian for suitable flea and tick preventatives and regularly check for any signs of infestation.
    • Regular Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Engage your Aussie Doxie in daily physical exercise and mental stimulation activities to prevent boredom and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Remember, each Aussie Doxie is unique, and their grooming and care needs may vary. Monitor their overall health, behavior, and consult with a veterinarian or professional groomer for personalized advice based on your dog’s specific needs. With proper care and grooming, your Aussie Doxie can enjoy a healthy, happy, and well-maintained life by your side

What is an Aussie Dachshund Mix?

The Aussie Dachshund Mix, also known as the Aussie Doxie, is a crossbreed between an Australian Shepherd and a Dachshund.

How big does an Aussie Dachshund Mix get?

Dachshund Mixes are small to medium-sized dogs, typically weighing between 10 to 30 pounds and standing 8 to 15 inches tall.

What is the grooming requirement for an Aussie Dachshund Mix?

The grooming needs of an Aussie Dachshund Mix are moderate. They have short to medium-length coats that require regular brushing to keep them clean and free from tangles.

Are Aussie Dachshund Mixes good family pets?

Yes, Aussie Dachshund Mixes make excellent family pets. They are known for their affectionate and friendly nature, getting along well with children and other pets.

How trainable is an Aussie Dachshund Mix?

Aussie Dachshund Mixes are generally intelligent and trainable. With consistent training and positive reinforcement, they can learn various commands and excel in activities like obedience and agility.


The Aussie Dachshund Mix is a captivating blend of two beloved breeds, the Australian Shepherd and the Dachshund. With their charming appearance, lively personality, and intelligence, they make wonderful companions for individuals and families alike.

While their training and exercise needs require attention, the rewards of owning an Aussie Dachshund Mix are immeasurable.

If you’re searching for a unique and affectionate four-legged friend that will bring joy and laughter to your home, the Aussie Dachshund Mix might just be the perfect choice for you

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