
Difference Between Dachshund vs Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers Vs Dachshunds both come from the same family of breeds, but that doesn’t mean they have more in common than they do differently. The terrier side of the breed is what makes these dogs such great hunting and herding dogs. They can run for long distances, hunt small game and follow scent trails with ease.

The Dachshund side of the breed is what gives them such a unique personality. These hounds are ultra-cautious, which means that any dog that isn’t familiar with them will most likely get mauled or killed on their own property if left unchained for too long. Their high level of self-preservation also means that they don’t do well when left alone for extended periods of time. 

Even though these two dogs have so much in common they still make an ideal choice as pet parents. They both need plenty of exercises and one should never be left alone with either dog. If you’re wondering whether you can handle owning either a terrier-like Boston terrier or a Dachshund then read on to learn more about them as pet parents and potential friends.


Dachshunds are intelligent and curious dogs that are great with children. They love to be included in family activities and will often try to get in on the action by jumping into photos or paintings. These dogs are extremely energetic and need a large amount of exercise. They’re great apartment dogs but still need a daily walk to or a large fenced-in yard in which to run around. 

Because of their size, Dachshunds have a long list of health issues that can be serious. 

Medication can treat degenerative glaucoma and cataracts in them. They also have a high risk for the brachycephalic syndrome, which can cause breathing issues, and are prone to anal sac dysfunction, also treated with surgery. Responsible breeding and checkups can prevent these concerns.

Boston Terrier

Boston terriers are extremely loyal dogs that make great family pets. They’re eager to please and make great therapy dogs. Boston terriers are extremely outgoing dogs that need regular socialization to avoid becoming anxious around strangers. 

These dogs are very active and need plenty of exercises each day. They can be therapy dogs or running buddies. Regular doctor visits and a high-protein diet can prevent hip dysplasia and bloat in Boston terriers.

Boston Terrier Vs Dachshund: Differences

Dachshund – Intelligence

  • The dachshund side of the breed is what makes these dogs such great hunting and herding dogs. They can run for long distances, hunt small game and follow scent trails with ease. 

Dachshund  – Loyalty

  • Dachshunds are extremely loyal dogs that are great for families. They’re also extremely cautious and make excellent watchdogs.

Boston Terrier – Personality 

  • The Boston terrier side of the breed is what gives them such a unique personality. These hounds are ultra-cautious, which means that any dog that isn’t familiar with them will most likely get mauled or killed on their own property if left unchained for too long. Their high level of self-preservation also means that they don’t do well when left alone for extended periods of time.

Boston Terrier – Loyal

  •  Boston Terrier Side – Boston terriers are very loyal dogs that are great with families. They’re also very curious and outgoing, making them prone to anxiety in unfamiliar environments. – 

Pros of Dachshunds


Dachshunds are extremely intelligent dogs that make great pets for any family. They’re also very active and need regular exercise. They’re not very large and will likely outlast any other pet in your family.


Dachshunds are loyal dogs that are great with families. They’re extremely outgoing and will likely try to get in on family activities such as painting and photography.

Boston Terrier Pros


Boston terriers are extremely loyal dogs that are great for families. They’re extremely outgoing and make great therapy dogs.


 Boston terriers are curious dogs that are great for families. They’re also very active and need regular exercise.

Easy to Train 

Boston terriers are easy to train and great for novice dog owners. They’re also highly intelligent dogs that make great pets.


Boston terriers are healthy dogs that are great for families. They’re also brilliant and make great pets.

Boston Terrier Vs Dachshund Size Comparison

When it comes to size, the Boston Terrier and Dachshund are pretty comparable. They both weigh between 12 and 18 pounds, and they both have short legs and long bodies. However, there are a few notable differences between the two breeds. 

The Boston Terrier is a bit taller and has a round head, while the Dachshund has a shorter muzzle and a more pointy head. Additionally, the Boston Terrier is more likely to be bred with other Boston Terriers, while the Dachshund is more likely to be bred with other Dachshunds. So if you’re looking for a small dog that’s versatile and has some personality, the Boston Terrier is a great choice.

There are a lot of questions people have about the Boston Terrier and the Dachshund, so we wanted to do a quick size comparison.

The Boston Terrier is typically about 10 inches tall at the shoulder and 25 pounds, while the Dachshund is typically about 10 inches tall at the shoulder and 30 pounds. That’s pretty comparable, but the Boston Terrier is definitely a little bit bigger. They also have longer legs, which gives them a little more mobility.

The most important thing to remember is that size doesn’t really matter when it comes to these two dogs. They’re both loyal, fun companions who are great for families.

Boston Terrier Vs Dachshund: Grooming & Hair Care Comparison

Whether you’re looking for a small dog that’s cheerful and easy to care for or a bigger dog that has more personality, a Boston Terrier or Dachshund might be a perfect choice.

Here are some key differences between Boston Terriers and Dachshunds when it comes to grooming, hair, and care:

  • Boston Terriers are typically low-maintenance when it comes to grooming. They usually require a weekly brush and bath, and they don’t need to be groomed as often as some other dog breeds.
  • Dachshunds, on the other hand, are typically more high-maintenance. They need to be groomed at least once a month, and they often have long hair that needs to be trimmed. Dachshunds also have floppy ears that need to be cleaned regularly, and they can get skin problems if their fur isn’t properly groomed.

Ultimately, it all comes down to what you’re looking for in a small dog – Boston Terriers are typically easier to care for, while Dachshunds are more versatile and offer more personality. 


Dachshunds are intelligent and curious dogs that are great with children. Boston terriers are very loyal dogs that are great for families. These two breeds are perfect for anyone looking for a dog with a unique personality and intelligence.

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