Dachshund Training

How can your home be dachshund-proof?

if you are a dachshund owner and you want to know How can your home be dachshund-proof? So Dachshunds are curious and energetic dogs known for their keen sense of smell and hunting instincts. To create a dachshund-proof home, you’ll need to take certain precautions to ensure their safety and prevent any potential damage to your belongings.

Dachshunds are curious and agile, so it’s important to secure your yard with a sturdy fence that is at least four to six feet high. Make sure there are no gaps or holes through which your dachshund can escape. Regularly inspect the fence for any damage or potential escape routes.

Block off hazardous areas

Identify areas in your home that may pose a risk to your dachshund’s safety, such as staircases, balconies, or swimming pools. Install baby gates or doggie gates to prevent access to these areas and ensure that your dachshund remains on the main level of your home.

Store toxic substances safely

Dachshunds are prone to exploring and chewing on items they find around the house. Store all household cleaning products, chemicals, medications, and potentially toxic plants in locked cabinets or high shelves that are out of your dachshund’s reach.

Hide electrical cords

Dachshunds may be tempted to chew on electrical cords, which can be dangerous. Conceal cords behind furniture or use cord protectors to prevent your dachshund from accessing them. You can also use bitter apple spray or similar deterrents to discourage chewing.

Protect valuable items

Dachshunds have a natural instinct to dig and burrow, which can lead to damage to furniture and other valuable items. Use protective covers or blankets to shield your furniture from scratches or consider keeping certain rooms off-limits to your dachshund.

Organize and secure small objects

Dachshunds can be attracted to small objects that pose a choking hazard. Keep items like coins, buttons, jewelry, and small toys safely stored in containers or drawers that cannot be easily accessed by your dachshund.

Beware of food hazards

Some human foods can be toxic to dogs, including chocolate, grapes, onions, and garlic. Ensure that these items are stored securely in closed containers or cabinets. Be cautious when preparing or consuming these foods, and never leave them unattended where your dachshund could access them.

Provide appropriate chew toys

Dachshunds have a natural need to chew, so offer them a variety of safe and durable chew toys to redirect their chewing behavior. This will help prevent them from targeting your belongings.

Supervise outdoor activities

When spending time outside with your dachshund, keep a close eye on them to prevent them from digging under fences, escaping, or getting into potentially harmful substances. Provide a safe and supervised environment for play and exercise.

Consider crate training

Crate training can be beneficial for both house training and providing a safe space for your dachshund when you’re away from home. Choose an appropriately sized crate that allows your dachshund to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably.

By following these guidelines, you can create a dachshund-proof home that promotes your pet’s safety and well-being while minimizing the risk of damage to your belongings. Remember to provide regular exercise, mental stimulation, and affection to ensure a happy and healthy dachshund.

Hidden chewable Things

When it comes to making your home dachshund-proof, it’s important to identify and address potential hidden chewable—items that may seem harmless but can be tempting for your dachshund to chew on. Here are some common hidden chewable and steps you can take to mitigate the risk:

Shoes and Slippers

Dachshunds have a tendency to chew on shoes and slippers. To protect your footwear, keep them stored in closed closets or shoe racks that are out of your dachshund’s reach. Consider using odor deterrent sprays on your shoes to make them less appealing.

Electrical Cords

Electrical cords can be dangerous if chewed on by your dachshund. To prevent access, secure cords behind furniture or use cord concealers to keep them out of sight. Additionally, you can use bitter apple spray or cord covers with built-in deterrents to discourage chewing.

Remote Controls and Electronics

Remote controls, game controllers, and other electronic devices can be easily mistaken for chew toys. Keep them stored in drawers or cabinets that can be securely closed. If possible, keep these items out of your dachshund’s reach or use protective covers to prevent damage.

Books and Magazines

Dachshunds may be attracted to the texture and smell of books and magazines. Store them on higher shelves or in closed cabinets. Consider using bookends or bookshelves that prevent easy access to your dachshund.

Decorative Items

Small decorative items like candles, vases, figurines, or delicate ornaments can be easily knocked over or chewed on by your dachshund. Keep these items displayed out of your dachshund’s reach or choose sturdier alternatives that are less likely to break or cause harm if touched.


Some houseplants can be toxic to dogs if ingested. Research and identify which plants in your home may pose a risk, and either move them to a location that is inaccessible to your dachshund or replace them with pet-safe plants. Place indoor plants on high shelves or use hanging baskets to keep them out of reach.

Children’s Toys

If you have children’s toys in your home, be mindful that they may contain small parts that can be choking hazards for dachshunds. Keep toys in designated play areas or toy chests with secure lids to prevent access. Teach children to pick up their toys after playtime to reduce the risk of your dachshund chewing on them.

Clothing and Laundry

Dachshunds may be attracted to clothing items, especially those with familiar scents. Keep dirty laundry in hampers or closed containers to prevent your dachshund from chewing on them. When hanging clothes to dry, ensure they are at a height where your dachshund cannot reach them.

Regularly inspect your home for any other hidden chewable and take appropriate measures to keep them out of your dachshund’s reach.

By being proactive and providing appropriate chew toys and outlets for their chewing needs, you can minimize the risk of your dachshund damaging valuable or potentially dangerous items in your home.

Doggie Gates

Doggie gates are a valuable tool for dachshund-proofing your home. They help create boundaries, restrict access to certain areas, and ensure the safety of your dachshund. Here’s some information on doggie gates and how to effectively use them:

  • Types of Doggie Gates: There are various types of doggie gates available, and choosing the right one depends on your specific needs and the layout of your home. Some common types include:
  • Pressure-Mounted Gates: These gates use pressure to stay in place and can be easily installed without the need for drilling or hardware. They are suitable for areas with solid walls or door frames.
  • Hardware-Mounted Gates: These gates require drilling and mounting hardware to secure them in place. They provide a more sturdy and reliable barrier and are suitable for areas where a stronger gate is needed, such as at the top of stairs.
  • Freestanding Gates: These gates are not attached to walls or door frames and can be moved around as needed. They are convenient for creating temporary barriers and can be used in wider openings.
  • Identifying Areas for Doggie Gates: Assess your home to determine where doggie gates will be most effective. Common areas to consider include:
  • Staircases: Dachshunds, with their long backs and short legs, are prone to back injuries. Use gates to block access to staircases, preventing falls or accidents.
  • Kitchen: The kitchen may contain potential hazards such as hot stoves, sharp objects, or toxic substances. Install a gate to keep your dachshund out of the kitchen during cooking or meal prep.
  • Restricted Rooms: If there are rooms in your home where you want to limit your dachshund’s access, such as a home office or guest bedroom, install gates to keep them out.
  • Proper Installation: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installing the doggie gate correctly. For pressure-mounted gates, ensure the gate is securely in place and won’t easily dislodge. Hardware-mounted gates should be properly drilled and attached to ensure stability.
  • Training and Acclimation: Introduce your dachshund to the doggie gate gradually. Allow them to see and sniff the gate while it is open, and use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to create a positive association. Encourage them to walk through the gate with guidance and reward them for good behavior. With time and consistency, your dachshund will become accustomed to the gates and understand the boundaries.
  • Maintenance and Adjustments: Regularly check the gates for any damage or lose parts, especially if your dachshund tends to push or chew on them. Adjust the gates as needed to accommodate your dachshund’s growth or changes in your home’s layout.

Remember, doggie gates are not a substitute for supervision or proper training. While gates can be effective in restricting access to certain areas, it’s important to provide your dachshund with a safe and stimulating environment and to spend quality time with them outside of restricted areas.

Establish a Puppy Area

Establishing a puppy area in your home is a great way to provide a safe and comfortable space for your dachshund while also helping with their training and housebreaking. Here’s how you can create a dedicated puppy area:

  • Choose the Location: Select a suitable area in your home for the puppy area. It should be a space that can be easily supervised and cleaned. Ideally, it should have easy access to an outdoor potty spot, such as a door leading to a backyard or a balcony.
  • Set Up a Crate or Playpen: A crate or playpen serves as a secure and cozy den for your dachshund. Choose an appropriately sized crate that allows your puppy to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. Line the crate with soft bedding and include some chew toys or interactive toys to keep your dachshund occupied. Alternatively, set up a playpen with enough room for your puppy to play and move around.
  • Designate a Potty Area: Within the puppy area, designate a specific spot for potty training. This can be a section with puppy pads or newspaper, or even a small artificial grass patch. Use positive reinforcement and consistency to train your dachshund to use this specific area for potty breaks.
  • Provide Food and Water: Set up food and water bowls in the puppy area. Make sure they are easily accessible to your dachshund and kept clean. Monitor your puppy’s eating and drinking habits to ensure they are getting the right amount of food and water.
  • Puppy-Proof the Area: Remove any items from the puppy area that could be hazardous or tempting for your dachshund to chew on. This includes electrical cords, small objects, toxic plants, and any other potential hazards. Secure loose wires, cover electrical outlets, and use cord protectors as necessary.
  • Introduce Comfort Items: Make the puppy area comfortable and inviting by adding soft blankets or bedding for your dachshund to rest on. Provide a few favorite toys for mental stimulation and playtime. Having a designated space with familiar items will help your dachshund feel secure and at ease.
  • Supervise and Interact: While the puppy area provides a safe space, it’s essential to spend quality time with your dachshund outside of this area. Dachshunds are social animals and require human interaction. Take your puppy out of the puppy area for regular play, exercise, and socialization. Gradually increase their access to other parts of the house as they become more trained and trustworthy.

Remember to maintain a consistent routine for feeding, potty breaks, and playtime. This will help your dachshund adjust and understand boundaries.

As your dachshund grows older and gains more training, you can gradually expand their access to the rest of the home while keeping the puppy area available for times when supervision is limited or needed.

Safe Baking Substances

When it comes to baking and cooking in a home with dachshunds, it’s important to be mindful of the substances and ingredients you use. Some baking substances can be harmful or toxic to dogs if ingested. Here are some safe baking substances and alternatives to consider:

  • Flour: Flour is generally safe for dogs, but it can be messy if they get into it. Keep flour stored in sealed containers or high shelves to prevent your dachshund from accessing it and creating a mess.
  • Eggs: Eggs are a common ingredient in baking and can be safely consumed by dogs. However, some dogs may have allergies or sensitivities to eggs. Monitor your dachshund for any adverse reactions and consult with your veterinarian if you have concerns.
  • Pumpkin: Canned pumpkin (pure pumpkin, not pumpkin pie filling) is safe for dogs and can be used in baking. It can provide added fiber and help with digestion. Just be sure not to use pumpkin pie filling, as it may contain spices and sugars that are not suitable for dogs.
  • Peanut Butter: Peanut butter is a favorite treat for many dogs and can be used in baking recipes. However, check the ingredients and choose a peanut butter that does not contain xylitol, a sweetener that is toxic to dogs.
  • Carob: Carob is a safe alternative to chocolate, which is toxic to dogs. You can use carob powder or carob chips as a substitute in recipes that call for chocolate. It provides a similar taste and can be enjoyed by your dachshund without the risk of chocolate poisoning.
  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon is generally safe for dogs in small amounts. However, some dogs may be sensitive to it, so use it sparingly. Avoid using cinnamon in large quantities or using cinnamon-flavored products that contain added sugars.
  • Oats: Oats are a nutritious and safe ingredient for dogs. They can be used in baking recipes for treats or added to homemade dog food. Oats provide dietary fiber and can be beneficial for dogs with sensitive stomachs.
  • Applesauce: Unsweetened applesauce can be a healthy and dog-friendly substitute for oil or butter in certain baking recipes. It adds moisture and flavor without the added fats. Just be sure to check the ingredients and avoid applesauce that contains added sugars or artificial sweeteners.

Remember, even when using safe baking substances, moderation is key. Treats should be given in moderation, and it’s essential to consider your dachshund’s overall diet and any specific dietary restrictions or health conditions they may have. If you have any concerns or questions about specific ingredients, consult with your veterinarian for guidance.

Keep cleaning supplies locked up

Keeping cleaning supplies locked up is crucial for the safety of your dachshund. Many household cleaning products contain chemicals that can be toxic if ingested, and dachshunds, with their curious nature, may be tempted to explore or even chew on bottles. Here are some steps you can take to ensure cleaning supplies are safely stored:

  • Choose a Secure Storage Location: Select a high cabinet or shelf that is out of your dachshund’s reach. Opt for a storage area that can be locked or has childproof latches to prevent your dachshund from accessing the cleaning supplies.
  • Lockable Cabinets or Drawers: Invest in lockable cabinets or drawers specifically designed for storing cleaning products. These are equipped with locks or latches that can be easily installed and help keep the supplies securely out of reach.
  • Separate Cleaning Supplies: Store cleaning supplies separately from other household items, particularly food items. This helps minimize the risk of accidental contamination or ingestion.
  • Utilize Childproof Locks: If you have cabinets or drawers that are not lockable, consider using childproof locks or latches. These devices can be installed to prevent your dachshund from opening the cabinet doors or drawers. If your dog consumes any chemicals or potentially toxic substances, it is important to take immediate action. call your Pet Poison Hotline ASAP
  • Store Toxic Products Higher: Place the most toxic cleaning supplies, such as bleach, ammonia, or oven cleaners, on higher shelves to provide an extra level of protection. Keep in mind that dachshunds are known for their jumping ability, so ensure that even the highest shelves are still inaccessible.
  • Secure Spray Bottles: Spray bottles, even if they contain non-toxic solutions, should be stored safely. Place them in a locked cabinet or remove the sprayer attachment to prevent accidental spraying or ingestion.
  • Use Pet-Friendly Cleaning Products: Consider using pet-friendly or non-toxic cleaning products whenever possible. These alternatives are formulated to be safe for pets and reduce the risk if accidental exposure occurs.
  • Read Labels and Follow Instructions: Always read and follow the instructions on cleaning product labels. Proper usage and storage guidelines are provided to ensure safety for both humans and pets.
  • Supervise Cleaning Activities: When you are cleaning or using any cleaning products, keep your dachshund in a separate area or under close supervision. This prevents them from accidentally ingesting or coming into contact with cleaning supplies.
  • Pet-Safe Cleaning Methods: Explore pet-safe cleaning methods, such as using vinegar and water solutions or baking soda, which are safer alternatives for common cleaning tasks. These natural options can be effective for many cleaning needs without posing a risk to your dachshund.

By taking these precautions and storing cleaning supplies securely, you can prevent accidental ingestion or exposure to toxic substances and help keep your dachshund safe and healthy. If you suspect your dachshund has ingested any cleaning product, contact your veterinarian immediately for guidance.

New Family Rules

Establishing new family rules when introducing a dachshund to your home is important for their well-being, training, and integration into the family. These rules provide consistency, and structure, and help set expectations for both your dachshund and family members. Here are some suggested new family rules to consider:

  • No Feeding from the Table: Encourage family members to refrain from feeding your dachshund table scraps or food from their plates. This helps maintain a healthy diet and prevents begging behavior.
  • Consistent Feeding Schedule: Establish a regular feeding schedule for your dachshund and stick to it. This helps with potty training and digestion. Ensure that family members are aware of and adhere to the feeding schedule.
  • No Disturbing During Mealtime: Teach family members to avoid disturbing your dachshund while they are eating. Respect their space and allow them to eat without distractions or interruptions.
  • Proper Handling and Gentle Touch: Emphasize the importance of gentle handling and petting your dachshund. Teach family members, especially children, how to properly interact with the dachshund, avoiding rough play or pulling on their ears or tail.
  • Supervised Interactions with Young Children: If you have young children, establish rules for their interactions with the dachshund. Always supervise their interactions to ensure the safety of both the child and the dog. Teach children to approach the dachshund calmly and gently, and not to disturb them while they are sleeping or eating.
  • No Unsupervised Outdoor Access: Dachshunds are prone to back problems, so it’s important to establish a rule that your dachshund should not have unsupervised access to outdoor areas where they could jump from heights or engage in activities that may strain their back. Supervised outdoor playtime is encouraged instead.
  • Regular Exercise and Playtime: Make it a rule to provide your dachshund with regular exercise and playtime. This helps burn off energy, keeps them physically fit, and provides mental stimulation. Assign family members specific responsibilities for walking, playing, and engaging with the dachshund.
  • Consistent Training: Ensure that everyone in the family is consistent with the training commands and methods used with your dachshund. Reinforce positive behaviors, discourage negative behaviors, and avoid confusing or contradictory commands.
  • Respect Personal Space: Teach family members to respect your dachshund’s personal space. If your dachshund retreats to their bed or crate, instruct family members to give them space and not disturb them.
  • Good Hygiene Practices: Promote good hygiene practices within the family, such as regular handwashing after handling the dachshund or cleaning up after them. This helps maintain cleanliness and reduces the risk of spreading germs or bacteria.

Remember, consistent reinforcement of these rules is key to their effectiveness. Regularly communicate and remind family members of the rules, especially during the initial phase of introducing your dachshund to the family. With time and consistency, these rules will become ingrained in your family’s routine and contribute to a harmonious and safe environment for your dachshund.

Secure Garbage

Securing the garbage can is essential to prevent your dachshund from accessing potentially harmful items, making a mess, or ingesting something that could be toxic. Here are some tips to help you secure your garbage can:

  • Choose a Sturdy and Covered Garbage: Opt for a garbage can with a secure lid that is difficult for your dachshund to open. Look for a can with a tight-fitting lid or a locking mechanism to prevent access.
  • Use a Trash Can with a Foot Pedal: Consider using a garbage can with a foot pedal-operated lid. This type of lid requires human intervention to open, making it more challenging for your dachshund to access the contents.
  • Place the Garbage in an Enclosed Area: Position the garbage can in a location that is not easily accessible to your dachshund. Place it in a closed pantry, under the sink with a cabinet door, or in a room with a door that can be closed.
  • Install a Cabinet Door Lock: If you keep your garbage can in a cabinet or under the sink, install a childproof cabinet door lock to prevent your dachshund from opening the cabinet and reaching the trash.
  • Use a Garbage with a Weighted Bottom: Choose a garbage can with a weighted bottom or one that is heavier to make it more stable and prevent your dachshund from knocking it over.
  • Store Garbage in a Separate Container: Consider storing garbage in a separate container before disposing of it in the main garbage can. Use a sealed bag or container to prevent any enticing smells from attracting your dachshund.
  • Empty the Garbage Regularly: Avoid keeping garbage in the can for extended periods, especially if it contains food scraps or other tempting items. Regularly empty the garbage to minimize the odor and reduce the likelihood of your dachshund being attracted to it.
  • Use Trash Bags with Drawstrings: When disposing of garbage, use trash bags with strong drawstrings that can be securely tied. This reduces the risk of the bag being easily accessed or torn open by your dachshund.
  • Train and Redirect Behavior: Train your dachshund to understand that the garbage can is off-limits. Use positive reinforcement techniques to reward good behavior and redirect their attention to appropriate toys or activities when they show interest in the garbage can.
  • Supervise and Monitor: Keep an eye on your dachshund when they are in the vicinity of the garbage can. Correct any unwanted behavior and redirect their attention as needed. Be vigilant, especially during times when there may be more enticing items in the garbage, such as after cooking or parties.

By implementing these measures, you can help secure your garbage can and minimize the chances of your dachshund accessing harmful items or making a mess. Remember, consistent training and supervision are essential in reinforcing the desired behavior and keeping your dachshund safe.

What does it mean to create a safe environment for a dachshund?

Creating a safe environment for a dachshund involves taking precautions to ensure their well-being and considering their specific needs and behaviors.

Why should I prioritize dachshund-proofing my home?

Dachshunds are naturally curious and active, which can lead to accidents and damage. By dachshund-proofing your home, you can prevent potential harm to your dog and maintain a secure living space.

What steps can I take to dachshund-proof my living area?

To dachshund-proof your living area, you can secure electrical cords at lower levels, keep small objects out of their reach, use baby gates to restrict access, and ensure there are no small openings that they could squeeze through.

How can I safeguard my dachshund from hazardous substances?

It is important to store potentially toxic substances, such as cleaning products and medications, in locked cabinets or high shelves. Additionally, securing trash cans will help prevent your dachshund from ingesting harmful items.

Should I dachshund-proof my yard as well?

Absolutely, dachshund-proofing your yard is crucial. Dachshunds have a tendency to dig and may attempt to escape through small gaps or holes in fences. It is essential to have a secure fence and ensure there are no hazardous plants, chemicals, or objects that they could swallow or get injured by in the yard


Making your home dachshund-proof involves a combination of precautions and proactive measures. By securing hidden chewable items, using doggie gates, establishing a designated puppy area, keeping cleaning supplies locked up, implementing new family rules, and securing the garbage, you can create a safe environment for your dachshund.

These steps help prevent accidents, protect your dachshund from harmful substances, and establish boundaries that promote their well-being and integration into your home. With careful planning and consideration, you can ensure a happy and safe living space for your dachshund.

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